Leadership and Career Growth Assessment
You may have some internal rumblings going on like: “I’m not happy in my vocation anymore”, “Is this everything?”, “Am I being reasonable?” “How did I get here?” “Where do I go from here?”
or you might be in a position that’s calling your growth and actualization: “I’ve been promoted to a position and need to understand my growth and leadership style more than ever”, “I have goals to be the best I can be within my position and want to deepen my understanding of my work self.”
These are the kinds of existential career questions we run into. It occurred to us that our careers are LONG, winding, and filled with change. Sometimes we’re the ones that are changing (what mattered before doesn’t quite matter in the same way now), sometimes our organizations experience change, and here we are in all our humanity trying to navigate it all and find our footing again and again in our pursuit of a life that feels most in alignment.