Embracing the therapy process
& why it can change your life

What is counseling like at Modern Therapy?

Oh, humanity. It can be joyous, awe-inspiring, painful, and confusing. With life comes challenge and unknown in our path. So why not make use of every resource we have to best navigate it? Cue the Modern Therapist. 


There are many types of therapy, but here’s what we’re all about

If this is a new experience for you, think of the therapy process simply as a genuinely supportive, non-judgmental, and secure space for you to process your thoughts.

It's a place to gain insight through self-exploration, attain scientifically validated skills, and become your most actualized self. Everything you say stays within the room (which just might be the coolest thing about therapy - the freedom to speak your mind with no reservation, judgment, or worry). Your therapist is your confidant. With their extensive training, they can help you hear and see things in a way you were unable to before. They are dedicated to you and just removed enough from your life to look out for your true best interests.

When should you get curious about the therapy process?

People come to session at varying times in their lives and for various reasons. You may find that you are most in need of speaking to someone when your stressors have become too much for your typical coping skills to handle. Perhaps life has thrown you too many curve balls at once and your adorable neuroticism has become debilitating anxiety. You may find that you’re overwhelmed and could use an extra resource in your corner. Or who knows, maybe you find that you are doing “fine”, but that little knot of existential angst keeps coming up as you go through the motions of your daily life.

therapy process modern therapy






You might find yourself asking questions like:

  • How do I “get over” this?

  • Should I break up with her/him?

  • Are my expectations faulty?

  • Is this what I really want to do with my life?

  • How do I cope better with life stress?

  • How do I put my mind at ease?

  • Can our relationship get any better?

The list goes on and we’re ready for it. Your therapist can help you make sense of things in a way that leaves you feeling more insightful and readily able to choose the life you want to live.

Modern Therapy Houston TX

What should I know about therapy techniques?

At Modern Therapy, whatever the concern, your therapist is trained to listen and attune to you in a very special way. This allows us the capacity to really get to know you and understand you at a deep, authentic level.

This helps us get to the root of your barriers so you can best actualize your potential. Empirically validated techniques and research help us tend to your needs in a way that best promotes emotional growth and health.

If you are thinking about speaking to someone and find yourself hesitating, go with your gut.

It is often our fears and misconceptions that keep us toeing outside the therapy door. If that’s the case for you, this is my explicit invitation for you to knock on that door and dominate it. It could be the start to a beautiful new opportunity in your life. 

Let us know your questions or interest in working with different types of therapists at Modern Therapy